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  • Support emotional and social skills through a variety of ways but not limited to: Counselor and Student Support Monitors, Second Step resources, Safe and Civil Schools practices, Deployment Group, and Class Meetings
  • Develop the whole child through these traditions: Thanksgiving Banquet, Giving Tree, Family Valentine Dance
  • Teachers meet regularly in collaborative teams to use a variety of data sources to make instructional decisions. Professional development is also derived from data sources.

School Improvement Goals

Relationships:  Eisenhower staff and students will build and maintain positive relationships with one another by maintaining at least a 3:1 positive to corrective ratio, will engage students in higher order thinking and implement social emotional learning techniques to support all students.

Relevance:  Eisenhower staff will analyze and utilize student data to plan instruction to meet students' needs and increase achievement by implementing strong Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in all classrooms.

Site Council

Our Building Site Council (BSC) meets regularly as an eight-member team comprised of teachers, families and community members to discuss a variety of topics.  Some examples of these topics include:  school activities, test scores, professional development, trends, curriculum, technology, extracurricular opportunities, class projects, budget, new addition.